Outbound Training

Outbound Team Building – Membangun kerjasama tim, mendorong setiap orang berpikir, bekerja dan memecahkan masalah bersama.


PRICE LIST Outbound Activity 1 Days

Activity Duration Location Price
Outbound Fun Games + 2-3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 100.000
Outbound Teambuilding + 5-6 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 145.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 280.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 320.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000
Includes : Program Outbound ( Perlengkapan Games, Design Program, Blocking Fields, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Games Equipment), Rafting ( Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter, 1 x meals (sundanese menu), Traditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance), Paintball Standart Safety Tools

PRICE LIST Outbound Activity 2 Days 1 Night

Activity Duration Location – Pancawati Price
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Santa Monica Resort Rp. 675.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Santa Monica Hotel Rp. 775.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days The Village Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Villa Ratu Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Villa Bukit Pinus Rp. 745.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Lembah Pertiwi Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Taman Bukit Palem Rp. 775.000
Includes : Accomodation, Program Outbound Design Program, Blocking Fields, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment), Rafting ( Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter, 4 x meals (sundanese menu), 3x Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance)


Rafting Cisadane

Rafting Cisadane Adventure – Mengarungi sungai dengan tantangan jeram yang menantang memberikan pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan.

Rafting Trips Duration Grade Location Price
Explore Trip ­+ 1,5 Hours 2-3 Caringin – DAM Rp. 225.000
Family Adventure Trip + 1 Hours 1-2 Pasir Muncang – Caringin Rp. 185.000
Survival Trip + 2 Hours 2+ Muara – DAM Rp. 280.000

Fasilitas : Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu, Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance, Air Mineral

PRICE LIST Rafting + Outdoor Activity
Activity Duration Location Price
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 280.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 320.000
Rafting + Paintball + 3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 300.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000

Includes : Program Design, Blocking Fields, Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu, Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment



Paintball Battle War

Paintball Battle Simulation – Sebuah simulasi pertempuran untuk mengeliminasi lawan dengan cara menembakkan peluru ke body lawan.



Activity Duration Peluru Location Price
Jungle War ­+ 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 150.000
Hostage Rescue + 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 165.000
Combat War + 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 175.000

Includes : Program Design, Blocking Fields, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment



PRICE LIST Paintball  + Outdoor Activity
Activity Duration Location Price
Rafting + Paintball + 3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 300.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000

Includes : Program Design, Blocking Fields, Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu, Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment


Promo Rafting Murah

Promo Rafting Murah

Promo Rafting Murah : Rp. 200,000

  • Fasilitas Rafting: Perahu karet, pemandu disetiap perahu, helm, dayung, jaket pelampung, ruang bilas, lokal transport, asuransi
  • Fasilitas Akomodasi: 1 x makan, 1 x snack, kelapa muda 
  • Syarat: jumlah peserta minimal 10 orang


Perahu karet rafting, pemandu rafting, helm rafting, dayung rafting, jaket pelampung, rafting cisadane, promo rafting, rafting murah, perahu karet rafting, pemandu rafting, helm rafting, dayung rafting, jaket pelampung, rafting cisadane, promo rafting, rafting murah. Perahu karet rafting, pemandu rafting, helm rafting, dayung rafting, jaket pelampung, rafting cisadane, promo rafting, rafting murah.

Promo Rafting + Paintball

Promo Rafting dan Paintball

Promo Rafting + Paintball : Rp. 300,000

  • Fasilitas Rafting: Perahu karet, pemandu disetiap perahu, helm, dayung, jaket pelampung, ruang bilas, lokal transport, asuransi
  • Fasilitas Paintball: trainer, technical team, semi automatic weapon, 30 bullets, uniform, body protector, goggle (pelindung wajah), standard medicine
  • Fasilitas Akomodasi: 1 x makan, 1 x snack, kelapa muda,  mineral water )
  • Syarat: jumlah peserta minimal 10 orang

Trainer paintball, team paintball, paintball marker, 30 bullets paintball, seragam paintball paintball, body protector paintball, goggle paintball, promo paintball, paintball murah, rafting paintball, trainer paintball, team paintball, paintball marker, 30 bullets paintball, seragam paintball paintball, body protector paintball, goggle paintball, promo paintball, paintball murah, rafting paintball. Trainer paintball, team paintball, paintball marker, 30 bullets paintball, seragam paintball paintball, body protector paintball, goggle paintball, promo paintball, paintball murah, rafting paintball.

Promo Rafting Cisadane + Fun Outbound

Promo Rafting dan Fun Outbound

Promo Rafting + Fun Outbound : Rp. 325,000

  • Fasilitas Rafting: Perahu karet, pemandu disetiap perahu, helm, dayung, jaket pelampung, ruang bilas, lokal transport, asuransi
  • Fasilitas Fun Outbound: low impact games, sewa lokasi outbound, listrik, perlengkapan kegiatan, trainer outbound / fasilitator outbound,  1 buah spanduk ”Tema” (bahan banner), standard medicine, free photo dokumentasi – soft copy berupa CD
  • Fasilitas Akomodasi: 1 x makan, 1 x snack, kelapa muda,  mineral water )
  • Syarat: jumlah peserta minimal 30 orang


Low impact games outbound, sewa lokasi outbound, perlengkapan kegiatan outbound, trainer outbound, fasilitator outbound, promo rafting, fun outbound, rafting outbound, promo outbound. low impact games outbound, sewa lokasi outbound, perlengkapan kegiatan outbound, trainer outbound, fasilitator outbound, promo rafting, fun outbound, rafting outbound, promo outbound, low impact games outbound, sewa lokasi outbound, perlengkapan kegiatan outbound, trainer outbound, fasilitator outbound, promo rafting, fun outbound, rafting outbound, promo outbound.

Promo Rafting Adventure

Promo Rafting Adventure

Promo Rafting Adventure ( Rafting + Fun Outbound + Paintball ) : Rp. 400,000

  • Fasilitas Rafting: Perahu karet, pemandu disetiap perahu, helm, dayung, jaket pelampung, ruang bilas, lokal transport, asuransi 
  • Fasilitas Fun Outbound: low impact games, sewa lokasi outbound, listrik, perlengkapan kegiatan, trainer outbound / fasilitator outbound, mineral water, 1 buah spanduk ”Tema” (bahan banner), standard medicine, free photo dokumentasi – soft copy berupa CD 
  • Fasilitas Paintball: trainer, technical team, semi automatic weapon, 30 bullets, uniform, body protector, goggle (pelindung wajah), standard medicine
  • Fasilitas Akomodasi: 1 x makan, 1 x snack, kelapa muda, mineral water )
  • Syarat: jumlah peserta minimal 30 orang

Promo Rafting Adventure, promo rafting, promo paintball, promo outbound, paintball rafting, outbound rafting, paintball outbound, paintball cisadane, rafting cisadane, outbound cisadane, paintball bogor, outbound bogor, rafting bogor, adventure outbound. Promo Rafting Adventure, promo rafting, promo paintball, promo outbound, paintball rafting, outbound rafting, paintball outbound, paintball cisadane, rafting cisadane, outbound cisadane, paintball bogor, outbound bogor, rafting bogor, adventure outbound.


Rafting Cisadane

Rafting Bogor Murah

RAFTING atau di Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan ARUNG JERAM adalah salah satu kegiatan ADVENTURE yang di minati saat ini untuk meningkatkan kekompakan Team, Menghilangkan Kejenuhan, dan Sebagai Salah Satu Wisata Keluarga.

Sungai Cisadane adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk melakukan kegiatan RAFTING/ARUNG JERAM karena untuk menuju lokasi kegiatan kita hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1.5 Jam dari JAKARTA (kondisi normal). Akses jalan menuju lokasi dapat dilalui oleh kendaraan Pribadi maupun Bus Besar.

Sungai Cisadane memiliki TRACK RAFTING/ARUNG JERAM yang berbeda dengan sungai-sungai lainnya dan dengan Jeram – Jeram yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda pula. Salah satu daya tarik dari Sungai Cisadane adalah DAM yang memiliki ketinggian 3 Meter dan memiliki kemiringan hampir 90derajat, tentunya sangat memacu ADRENALINE anda.

Untuk mendukung kegiatan dan memberikan rasa NYAMAN terhadap Peserta maka kami CISADANE ADVENTURE menyediakan BASECAMP untuk Para peserta kegiatan RAFTING/ARUNG JERAM sebagai meeting point yang didukung. BASECAMP KAMI juga didukung oleh fasilitas yang memadai antara lain :

  • Gazebo & Guest House
  • Ruang Ganti, Shower & Toilet
  • Restoran
  • Area Flying Fox
  • Area Foot Therapy
  • Masjid
  • Merchandise Store
  • Free Wifi
  • Parkir Motor/Mobil
Rafting Trips Duration Grade Location Price
Explore Trip ­+ 1,5 Hours 2-3 Caringin – DAM Rp. 225.000
Family Adventure Trip + 1 Hours 1-2 Pasir Muncang – Caringin Rp. 185.000
Survival Trip + 2 Hours 2+ Muara – DAM Rp. 280.000
Fasilitas : Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu, Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance, Air Mineral
PRICE LIST Rafting + Outdoor Activity
Activity Duration Location Price
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 280.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 320.000
Rafting + Paintball + 3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 300.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000
Includes : Program Design, Blocking Fields, Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu, Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment

Outbound Training

Outbound Team Building

OTB adalah bentuk Program Training atau pembelajaran segala ilmu terapan yang di sumulasikan di alam terbuka dengan bentuk permainan yang efektif, yang menggabungkan Intelegensia, Fisik dan Mental

Tujuan / Assessment Point dari training OTB adalah :

  • Effective communication
  • Trust Building
  • Leadership
  • Team work
  • Problem Solving
  • Character Building

Training ini dilaksanakan dengan metode EXPERIENTAL LEARNING dimana peserta akan dibawa untuk belajar dari pengalaman sendiri dalam kelompoknya dan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap apa yang telah peserta lakukan dalam menyelesaikan setiap permainan yang di berikan.  Dalam kegiatan training ini selain Game master dan Fasilitator ada team Observasi oleh Psikolog yang bertugas untuk memberikan Assessment kepada setiap individu sebagai Laporan akhir atas kopetensi masing masing peserta.


PRICE LIST Outbound Activity 1 Days

Activity Duration Location Price
Outbound Fun Games + 2-3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 100.000
Outbound Teambuilding + 5-6 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 145.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 280.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding + 4 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 320.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000
Includes : Program Outbound ( Perlengkapan Games, Design Program, Blocking Fields, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Games Equipment), Rafting ( Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter, 1 x meals (sundanese menu), Traditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance), Paintball Standart Safety Tools

PRICE LIST Outbound Activity 2 Days 1 Night

Activity Duration Location – Pancawati Price
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Santa Monica Resort Rp. 675.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Santa Monica Hotel Rp. 775.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days The Village Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Villa Ratu Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Villa Bukit Pinus Rp. 745.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Lembah Pertiwi Rp. 725.000
Outbound Rafting 2 Days Taman Bukit Palem Rp. 775.000
Includes : Accomodation, Program Outbound Design Program, Blocking Fields, Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment), Rafting ( Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter, 4 x meals (sundanese menu), 3x Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance)

Paintball War Game

paintball bogor murah

Kegiatan ini di rancang dengan metode simulasi tempur dengan tujuan membangun kepemimpinan, kerjasama, percaya diri, serta keberanian dalam mencapai target sasaran secara tepat & Akurat. Simulasi kegiatan ini di bAgi menjadi beberapa simulasi tempur, yaitu :


Simulasi permainan yang sering digunakan dalam kegaitan PAINTBALL WAR GAMES adalah Permainan Kompetisi dimana setiap Team dituntut untuk kecepatan, kerjasama, ketepatan, dan komunikasi agar dapat mengalahkan Team lawan.


Setiap peserta di tantang untuk mengukur akurasi sasaran dalam  menjatuhkan target yang telah disediakan.

Activity Duration Peluru Location Price
Jungle War ­+ 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 150.000
Hostage Rescue + 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 165.000
Combat War + 1 Hours 40 Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 175.000
Includes : Program Design, Blocking Fields, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools, Games Equipment, Googgle + Paintball Markers + Paintballs, Army Uniform + Body Protector.
PRICE LIST Paintball  + Outdoor Activity
Activity Duration Location Price
Rafting + Paintball + 3 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 300.000
Rafting + Outbound Fun Games + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 400.000
Rafting + Outbound Teambuilding  + Paintball + 5 Hours Caringin – Ciawi Rp. 425.000

Includes : Program Outbound (Design Program, Blocking Fields,Fasilitator, Peralatan Games), Rafting (Guide / Skipper, Rescue Team & Porter,1 x meals (sundanese menu), Traiditional Snack, Kelapa Muda, Wedang Jahe, Satandart Safety Equipment, Local Transportation, Insurance),  Air Mineral, Project Leader, Logistic Technical Support, Rescue Team, Paintball Standart Safety Tools (Games Equipment, Googgle + Paintball Markers + Paintballs, Army Uniform + Body Protector).